Functions on special system
Result: The ClosingDate
function returns the closing date of the DTG or the investment date of the loan/fixed-term deposit; 0 for margins.
Result: The Bank
function provides the bank of the account of the special investment.
Result: The function is provided by the special system itself.
Result: The Balance
function provides the balance of the special asset, for DTGs the future inflow amount in the inflow currency.
Result: The BookEntries
function provides the list of all transactions (BookEntries) of the special asset.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Market interest rate (figure[]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]).
Result: The Convexity
function provides the convexity of fixed-term deposits at date and market interest rate (analogous to bonds).
[date;market interest rate;]→number
Date (Date[Current date]).
Market interest rate (figure[]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]).
Result: The Duration
function provides the duration of fixed-term deposits at the date and market interest rate (analogous to bonds).
Result: The Maturity
function provides the date of the DTG or maturity of the loan/fixed-term deposit.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Result: The function Fixed_interest_per_period
- Fixed-term deposit: Accrued interest on a fixed-term deposit as at <date>.
- Credit: always 0.
- DTG: always 0.
Result: The IBAN
function provides the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of the bank of the account of the special investment.
Result: The Owner
function provides the owner of the special installation.
Result: The Buy price
function returns:
- DTG: Recorded forward rate in outflow currency per inflow currency.
- Credit: Loan amount in investment currency.
- Fixed-term deposit: Fixed-term deposit amount in investment currency.
- Margin: Current margin account balance in margin currency.
Result: The function KaufkursDev
- DTG: Recorded forward rate in evaluation currency per inflow currency.
- Credit: Credit amount in evaluation currency.
- Fixed-term deposit: Fixed deposit amount in evaluation currency.
- Margin: Current margin account balance in evaluation currency.
Result: The purchase price
function returns:
- DTG: Investment in outflow currency.
- Credit: Sum of the individual repayments in loan currency.
- Fixed-term deposit, margin: 0.
Result: The purchase priceDev
function returns:
- DTG: Investment in evaluation currency.
- Credit: Sum of the individual redemption payments in evaluation currency. The conversion into the evaluation currency is carried out using the exchange rates on the posting date of the repayment: Investment currency→Account currency (on the posting date) Account currency→Evaluation currency (on the evaluation period).
- Fixed-term deposit, margin: 0.
Result: Special account number assigned to the system.
Result: The CouponValue
function provides the cumulative loan interest payments in loan currency for loans.
Result: The KuponWertDev
function provides the cumulative loan interest payments for loans in the evaluation currency.
Date (Date[Current date]).
Market interest rate (figure[]).
Interest date type (period formula type[]).
Result: The ModifiedDuration
function returns the modified duration of fixed-term deposits at date and market interest rate (analogous to bonds).→String
Result: The Name
function provides the name of the special installation.
Result: The Reference number
function provides the external reference number of the special installation, e.g. for the .
Date (Date[Current date]).
Interest date type (period formula type [act/act (ISMA-251)]).
Result: The Remaining term
function returns the remaining term of fixed-term deposits at<date>in years according to the interest calculation method.
Result: The TA_Foreign Exchange Gain
function returns:
- DTG: Unrealized profit due to the exchange rate change to the reporting currency.
- Credit/fixed-term deposit: Success due to any exchange rate changes.
Result: The TA_Gwinn
function returns:
- DTG: Market value of the DTG in evaluation currency.
- Credit/fixed-term deposit: Success due to possible exchange rate changes.
Result: The TA_GewinnProzent
function returns the percentage success.
Result: The TA_GewinnRealisiert
function returns the realized foreign exchange profit in evaluation currency.
Result: The TA_KursdatumVerkauf
function returns the date of the valuation price for DTGs.
Result: The TA_Kursgewinn
function returns the unrealized profit for DTGs due to the change in the forward price.
Result: The TA_KursVerkauf
function provides the valuation rate in outflow currency per inflow currency for DTGs.
Result: The TA_KurswertAnteil
function returns the share of the DTG, loan, fixed-term deposit or margin account balance in the assets (negative values for loans).
Result: The function TA_KurswertVerkauf
- DTG: Market value of the DTG in outflow currency.
- Credit: Remaining credit balance in credit currency.
- Fixed-term deposit: Fixed deposit amount in fixed deposit currency.
- Margin: Current margin account balance in margin currency.
Result: The function TA_KurswertVerkaufCum
returns the sum TA_KurswertVerkauf + TA_Stückzinsen for fixed-term deposits. For DTGs, loans and margins, it returns the same value as the TA_KurswertVerkauf
SpecialAnnex.TA_Lump-sum interest→Number
Result: The TA_Stückzinsen
function provides the accrued fixed deposit interest in fixed deposit currency for fixed deposits.
Result: The function TA_WechselkursKauf
- DTG: Exchange rate in evaluation currency per outflow currency for converting the purchase rate.
- Credit: Exchange rate resulting from the following two conversions: Investment currency→Account currency (at the time of posting) and Account currency→Evaluation currency (at the evaluation date).
- Fixed-term deposit: Like credit.
Result: The function TA_WechselkursVerkauf
- DTG: Current exchange rate in evaluation currency per outflow currency for converting the purchase rate.
- Credit: Credit currency→Evaluation currency (on the evaluation date).
- Fixed-term deposit: Fixed-term deposit currency→Evaluation currency (on the evaluation date).
- Margin: Margin currency→Evaluation currency (on the evaluation date).
Result: The Type
function provides the type of special investment (loan, fixed-term deposit, forward exchange transaction, margin).
Result: The Currency
function returns the credit currency or fixed deposit currency or inflow currency of a DTG or margin currency.
Result: The currency outflow
function returns the outflow currency of a DTG. Credit currency or fixed deposit currency or margin currency for the other special investments.
Result: The CurrencyInflow
function returns the inflow currency of a DTG. Credit currency or fixed deposit currency or margin currency for the other special investments.
Result: The interest rate
function returns:
- Credit: Interest rate of the loan.
- Fixed-term deposit: Interest rate at which the fixed-term deposit is invested.
- DTG, margin: always 0.