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Transfer function to the formula text

To accept an individual function, select it with the mouse and then confirm with "OK". The function wizard is closed and the selected function (together with the parameter schema) is inserted into the formula text at the current cursor position.

Alternatively, you can also edit and combine functions in the function wizard. To do this, double-click on the desired function; it will then be added to the text field at the top of the window (together with the parameter schema). Each additional function that you double-click on is added to this function.

To edit the formula text in this line, click in the text field; you can now enter your changes. Then confirm with "OK". The edited function is inserted into the formula text at the current cursor position.

You can use the "Undo change" icon or the <CTRL>+<Z> key command to remove the last function added.

If the manual editing of the formula results in a type change, you can have the list of applicable functions recalculated. To do this, click on the "Update function list" icon.

You can also use the "Show all functions" checkbox to force the display of functions whose source object type does not match the current result object type.

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