Functions on trading phases
Result: The ExKaufDatum
function returns the execution date of the purchase. This may deviate from the signal date when using the signal delay.
Result: The ExVerkaufsDatum
function returns the execution date of the sale. This may deviate from the signal date when using the signal delay.
Trading phase.profit→number
Result: The Profit
function returns the price profit (close prices) in the phase period. Trading always takes place on the day following the signal date.
Trading phase.GrossReturn→number
Result: The GrossReturn
function provides the trade profit as a percentage without charges, but including slippage.
Trading phase.inPeriods→number
Result: The InPeriods
function returns the length of the trading phase in periods.
Trading phase.inYears→number
Result: The InYears
function provides the length of the trading phase in years.
Trade phase.purchaseDate→Date
Result: The BuyDate
function returns the start date of the trading phase (also for short sales).
Trading phase.limitCancel→Boolean
Result: The LimitCancel
function returns "True" if the end of the phase was induced by the limit addition strategy.
Trading phase.MaxDrawDown→number
Result: The MaxDrawDown
function returns the maximum unrealized loss that was accepted within the trade.
Start date (date).
End date (date).
Include_short_sales (Boolean).
Loss limit (number).
Result: The MomentaneousSignalPhases
function returns the trading phase itself if it corresponds to the specification of the parameters (i.e. runs between <start date> and <end date> and is not a short sale if these are switched off). Otherwise an empty list.
Result: The Name
function returns the name of the security.
Trading phase.netReturn→number
Result: The NetReturn
function provides the trade profit as a percentage including charges.
Result: The ShortPhase
function returns "True" if it is a short phase.
Result: The SalesDate
function returns the end date of the trading phase.
Trading phase.WP→Securities
Result: The WP
function returns the security to which the trading phase relates.