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Functions on positions


Result: The Species value function returns the sum of the market values of all positions of the same security type. The "Grouping" parameter (here grouping type "2") is used for transactions on securities account valuations: "species"). This function is obsolete and has now been replaced by the more flexible asset class constructs in the standard evaluations.


Result: The Position function returns the position of the securities item on the evaluation date in units or nominal.

Position.valuationobject→Custody account valuation

Result: The Valuation object function returns the valuation object that created the item.


Result: The BookEntries function returns the list of all transactions (BookEntries) that belong to this securities account item.


Result: The BookEntryHistory function displays all BookEntries across transfers.

Position.sector value→number

Result: The sector value function returns the sum of the market values of all items in the same sector. The "Grouping" parameter (here grouping type "1") is used for transactions on securities account valuations: "Industries"). This function is obsolete and has now been replaced by the more flexible asset class constructs in the standard evaluations.


Result: The function returns the cost price as the break-even price calculated in position currency.


Result: The BreakEvenKursDev function returns the cost price as the break-even price calculated in the evaluation currency.


Result: The Depot function returns the depot to which the position refers.


FromDate (date).

ToDate (date).

Result: The InstrumentCosts function returns the product costs of the security in percent p.a. for the specified time interval from the cost service. If a product cost history has been created locally via the securities master data, these values are prioritized.

Cost service" module price→number

Result: The buy rate function returns the purchase price as a mixed rate calculated in position currency. priceDev→number

Result: The function Buy rateDev returns the purchase rate as a mixed rate calculated in the evaluation currency.

Position.purchase price→number

Result: The purchase price function returns stock * purchase price.


Result: The purchase priceDev function returns stock * purchase priceDev.

Position.purchase priceRel→Number

Result: The purchase priceRel function returns the relative purchase price as a percentage (base 1): Purchase priceDev/total purchase priceDev of the depot valuation object.


Result: The KuponErtragBeginnDev function provides the securities income in the reference currency plus taxes paid and interim profit/accrued interest difference on the start date.


Result: The KuponErtragDev function provides the securities income in the reference currency plus taxes paid and interim profit/accrued interest difference on the valuation date.


Result: The CouponValue function provides the interest and accrued interest paid for bonds (no pending accrued interest), dividends for shares and fund distributions for funds in position currency. Before deduction of taxes paid (gross).


Result: The KuponWertDev function provides the interest and accrued interest paid for bonds (no pending accrued interest), dividends for shares and fund distributions for funds at the time of the order in the evaluation currency. Before deduction of taxes paid (gross).


Result: The KuponWertSzDev function returns the securities income in the reference currency including the accrued interest/interim profits currently accrued. Before deduction of taxes paid (gross). value→number

Result: The Country value function returns the sum of the market values of all positions in the same country. The "Grouping" parameter (here grouping type "3") is used for transactions on securities account valuations: "Countries"). This function is obsolete and has now been replaced by the more flexible asset class constructs in the standard evaluations. location→Storage location

Result: The Position function returns the position to which the item refers.


Result: The LastPurchase function returns the last purchase date.


Weight (number).

Result: The PosPerformanceDev function returns the performance share of the securities account position (geometric, weighted) as part of the performance attribution. The<PerformanceAttribution>parameter of the portfolio valuation function must be set to "True".

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The Restrictions function provides the list of restrictions for the securities account item.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

Position.restriction violations→List(String)

Result: The Restriction violations function provides the list of restrictions that were violated when a securities account position was checked. This evaluation can only be carried out at portfolio level.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The TA_Anz_Abgeltungsteuer function returns the number of taxable persons after withholding tax.


Result: The TA_Anz_Steuerfrei function returns the number of tax-free items.


Result: The TA_AnzGesperrt function returns the number of locked items in the transaction.


Result: The TA_Delivery function delivers the delivery in valuation currency.

Position.TA_Foreign exchange gain→Number

Result: The function TA_Foreign exchange gain returns the unrealized foreign exchange gain of the position (without price gain).

Position.TA_Foreign exchange gainRealized→Number

Result: The function TA_DevisengewinnRealisiert returns the total realized foreign exchange gain of the position.


Result: The TA_Einlieferung function returns the deposit in valuation currency.


Result: The function TA_Gewinn returns the profit as (TA_KurswertVerkauf * TA_WechselkursVerkauf) - KaufpreisDev in evaluation currency. Depending on the setting of the portfolio valuation parameters, distributions ("Include fund distributions"), dividends ("Include dividends") and interest coupons ("Include interest") are also added.


Result: The TA_GewinnProzent function returns the percentage profit as TA_Gewinn / abs(KaufpreisDev).


Result: The TA_GewinnRealisiert function returns the total profit realized on the position.


Result: The TA_KursdatumVerkauf function returns the date of the security price on the evaluation date, which may differ from the evaluation date.


Result: The function TA_Kursgewinn returns the unrealized price gain of the position (without foreign exchange gain).


Result: The function TA_KursgewinnRealisiert returns the total realized price gain of the position.


Result: The TA_KursVerkauf function returns the potential selling price on the valuation date in position currency. This function returns the "Clean Price" for bonds and the price with or without interim profits for funds, depending on the "Consider interim profits" parameter.


Result: The TA_Kurswertanteil function returns the share of the market value of the position in the assets.


Result: The function TA_KurswertVerkauf returns position * sales price / security price factor in security currency (possibly reduced by charges from the commission scheme). The "clean price" (i.e. without accrued interest or interim profits) is always used as the selling price.


Result: The function TA_KurswertVerkaufCum returns the sum of TA_KurswertVerkauf + TA_Stückzinsen + TA_Zwischengewinn.


Result: The TA_Poolfaktor function returns the current pool factor of the position.


Result: The TA_PortfolioExogen_WP function returns the value of the exogenous cash flows in relation to a securities account or portfolio on the valuation date in valuation currency.


Result: The function TA_Rendite returns the yield of a bond (based on 1) if the security is a bond, otherwise n/a.


Result: The TA_SperrListe function returns the list with the relevant lock information.


Result: The TA_Per Accrued Interest function returns the position * (accrued interest for bonds) in position currency.


Result: The TA_Tranches function returns the list of tranches for this item.


Result: The TA_UnclearedQuantity function returns the sum of the nominal values for open orders. These are unsettled orders with the status "Released" or higher. This key figure is calculated if the "Open orders" parameter is set to "True" in the securities account valuation.


Result: The function TA_WechselkursKauf returns purchase rateDev / purchase rate in evaluation currency by position currency.


Result: The TA_WechselkursVerkauf function returns the exchange rate from the evaluation currency to the item currency on the evaluation date.


Result: The TA_Interim profit function returns the interim profit of the fund position at the time of evaluation in position currency.


Result: The TA_Zwischengewinn_Gezahlt function returns the interim profit paid for the securities account position in position currency.


Category (IndexString|String): Target market category.

Result: The TargetMarketProfileMatch function provides a value at portfolio level that indicates the match of the user profile with the respective target market category of the security from the target market service (possible states: "Yes", "No", "Partly", "n/a"). The target market category can be transferred as an index string or as a string. In the case of the IndexString, its code is used, otherwise the string is interpreted as the code of the target market category. If the category was not found or no value exists, the return value is an empty string.

"Target market" module and "Investment profile recording" module or "Direct investment profile recording" module


Result: The TargetMarketProfileMatches function returns a list of TargetMarketMatchResult on a list of positions, which shows the match of the investment profile with the respective target market category of the securities from the target market service.

"Target market" module and "Investment profile recording" module or "Direct investment profile recording" module


Result: The TargetMarketResult function provides information on the target market match.

Target market" module


Result: The TotalInstrumentCosts function provides the total securities costs of a position in the evaluation period in the valuation currency.

Cost service" module


Result: The Currency function returns the position currency of the security from the transaction.


Result: The currency value function returns the sum of the market values of all items in the same currency. The "Grouping" parameter (here grouping type "4") is used for transactions on securities account valuations: "Currencies"). This function is obsolete and has now been replaced by the more flexible asset class constructs in the standard evaluations.


Result: The WP function returns the security to which the position refers.


Result: The WPPerformanceDev function provides the performance of the security linked to the securities account position (geometric, unweighted) as part of the performance attribution. The <PerformanceAttribution> parameter of the portfolio valuation function must be set to "True".

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

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