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Functions on portfolio profiles and portfolio versions

With a few exceptions, the same functions are available for Portfolio profiles and Portfolio versions. These are documented here as examples for portfolio profiles and apply analogously to portfolio versions.


Result: The Advisor function provides the advisor assigned to the portfolio profile.


Result: The AllocationNotes function returns the text of the allocation notes as a string (multi-line text) from the master data of a portfolio profile.


Result: The AssetAllocation function returns the asset allocation object of the portfolio profile.


Result: The AssetManagementFee function provides the asset management fee defined for the portfolio profile in the master data as a percentage based on 1.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The Evaluation currency function provides the evaluation currency of the portfolio profile.


Result: The Comment function provides the comment on the portfolio profile.


Result: The BenchmarkHistory function provides the benchmark history of the (first) benchmark from the portfolio configuration.


Result: The BenchmarkHistory2 function provides the benchmark history of the second benchmark from the portfolio configuration.


Result: The FeeInvoiceReportingFrequency function returns the fee reporting frequency type defined for the portfolio profile in the master data.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The HurdleRate function returns the hurdle rate (minimum return) defined for the portfolio profile in the master data as a percentage based on 1.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The InvestmentAgentName function returns the name of the investment agent assigned to the portfolio profile.


Result: The PerformanceFee function returns the performance fee defined for the portfolio profile in the master data as a percentage based on 1.

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"


Result: The ReportingFrequency function provides the reporting frequency type defined for the portfolio profile in the master data.

PortfolioProfile.restrictions[evaluation date]→List(String)

Evaluation date (Date [Current date]).

Result: The Restrictions function provides the list of restrictions defined for the portfolio profile (stock and quota restrictions) on the evaluation date.


Result: The RiskLimit function returns the risk limit entered in the portfolio profile. If no risk limit is entered, then "n/a".


Result: The Scheduledreporting_Active function provides the master date for the scheduled reporting of a portfolio profile ("Scheduled reporting active" checkbox on the "Reporting" mini-tab in the properties).

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module


Result: The Scheduledreporting_ProfileName function provides the master date for the scheduled reporting of a portfolio profile ("Reporting profile" selection list on the "Reporting" mini-tab in the properties).

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module.


Name (String).

Result: The UserField function returns the value of the user-defined field "Name".


PerfLastReporting (number): The performance compared to the last reporting. Only if you want to calculate the loss threshold cumulatively instead of the usual interpretation of the loss thresholds (according to MiFID II), you can enter the value of the performance for the last reporting here. If the loss threshold is then breached within the reporting interval, no new start date is set for the performance calculation (until the next regular date according to the reporting frequency). By default, this parameter is not required and remains unassigned.

Result: The loss limit function returns the amount of the "Portfolio loss threshold" defined for the portfolio from the portfolio version (or from the portfolio profile).

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module


Result: The function Loss limitWP returns the amount of the "Securities loss threshold" defined for the portfolio from the portfolio version (or from the portfolio profile).

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module


Result: The Currency function provides the evaluation currency of the portfolio profile.

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