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Functions on PerformanceComponentConfig

The MM-Talk object "PerformanceComponentConfig" contains the configuration of the components to be regarded as exogenous and is transferred to the depot valuation. If no such configuration object is transferred, the securities account valuation is calculated before tax and after fees by default.

This is also the initial configuration of a PerformanceComponentConfig object, i.e. the configuration that the object contains when it is created and no explicit configuration is made:


Result: This PerformanceComponentConfig function without an input object creates an object of the type "PerformanceComponentConfig" in the initial state (before taxes, after fees).


Result: The EndogenousFeeComponents function returns the list of names of the costs that are configured as performance-effective.


Result: The EndogenousTaxComponents function returns the list of tax names that are configured as performance-effective.


Result: The ExogenousFeeComponents function returns the list of names of costs that are configured as ineffective for performance.


Result: The ExogenousTaxComponents function returns the list of tax names that are configured as ineffective.


All_fees_Exogen (Boolean[False]).

Result: The SetAllFeeComponents function returns an object of the "PerformanceComponentConfig" type, in which all fees are regarded as performance-effective (parameter "All_Fees_Exogenous" = "False") or performance-ineffective, i.e. exogenous (parameter "All_Fees_Exogenous" = "True"). The product costs from the cost service are ignored here by default, but this configuration can be customized.


All_Control_Exogen (Boolean[True]).

Result: The SetAllTaxComponents function returns an object of the "PerformanceComponentConfig" type, in which all taxes are regarded as performance-effective (parameter "All_taxes_exogenous" = "False") or performance-ineffective, i.e. exogenous (parameter "All_taxes_exogenous" = "True").

PerformanceComponentConfig.SetFeeComponents[Brokerage;Fees;Third-party fees;Fees;Issue premium;Bonus;VAT;Stamp duty;VV_fees;Advertising costs;Custody account fees;Limit fees;Flat-rate transaction costs;Reimbursement affecting cash flow;Redemption fees;Product costs;Entry_exit costs]→PerformanceComponentConfig

Brokerage (Boolean[False]).

Expenses (Boolean[False]).

External charges (Boolean[False]).

Fees (Boolean[False]).

Issue premium (Boolean[False]).

Bonification (Boolean[False]).

VAT (Boolean[False]).

Stamp delivery (Boolean[False]).

VV_Fees (Boolean[False]).

Advertising costs (Boolean[False]).

Custody fees (Boolean[False]).

Limit fees (Boolean[False]).

Transaction cost flat rate (Boolean[False]).

ReimbursementCashflow effective (Boolean[False]).

Redemption fees (Boolean[False]).

Product costs (Boolean[False]).

Entry_exit_cost (Boolean[False]).

Result: The SetFeeComponents function returns an object of the type "PerformanceComponentConfig", in which the costs marked with "True" are regarded as non-performance-related, i.e. exogenous, and all others as performance-related. All arguments are optional. Default is "False" for all arguments (i.e. the default configuration is post-cost performance).


QSt (Boolean[True]): Withholding taxes (creditable and refundable).

KESt (Boolean[True]): Capital gains tax.

SolZ (Boolean[True]): Solidarity surcharge.

KiSt (Boolean[True]): Church tax.

KiSt_Partner (Boolean[True]): Church tax of the spouse.

ZaSt (Boolean[True]): Interest income tax.

Result: The SetTaxComponents function returns an object of the "PerformanceComponentConfig" type, in which the taxes marked "False" are considered to be performance-effective and all others are considered exogenous. All arguments are optional. Default is "True" for all arguments (i.e. the default configuration is input tax performance). Informative taxes such as the notional withholding tax cannot be configured, as these do not affect cash flow and therefore do not play a role in the performance calculation.


A performance chart, which can display either a pre-tax or post-tax performance, would have the following formula:

$config := PerformanceComponentConfig.SetTaxComponents[false; false; false; false; false; false];
$config := if($after_taxes; $config; _);
Depoterfolg[$Von; $Bis; $Währung; true; false; false; false; false; false; $Intervall; $Berechnungsart; $config].PerformanceVerverlauf[]

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