Functions on module and portfolio positions
Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module
Investment portfolios can contain modular or securities positions.
Result: The IsShort
function indicates whether a security position is short or long.
Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module
Result: The Modules
function returns the module for a weighted module position.
Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module
Result: The Substitutes
function provides the list of alternative instruments for an item.
Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module
Result: The Substitutes
function provides the weight of an investment position.
Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module
Result: The WP
function returns the primary security of a weighted position.
Portfolio Service Rebalancing" or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module