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Functions on holders


Result: The Address function returns the main address assigned to the owner.

Owner.AllPersonLinks[OnlyLevel]→List(person link)

OnlyLevel (Boolean[False]): If this parameter is "True", only the links at the "Owner" level are delivered.

Result: The AllPersonLinks function returns all person links of the owner (across all times). The function therefore returns the currently valid personal links of the owner, but also the personal links that were previously valid and, if applicable, those that are not yet valid (contracts that have been concluded but are not yet in progress).

"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module


Result: The CreatedOn function returns the date according to the holder master data ("Created on" field).


Result: The Comment function provides the comment on the owner.


Result: The Name function returns the name of the owner.


From (date [current date minus 30 days]).

To (date [current date]).

Canceled (Boolean[False]).

Result: The BookEntries function provides the list of all transactions (BookEntries) of the holder between "From" and "To".


Result: The ComplianceType function provides the compliance type of the holder from the master data - "MiFID II" or "FIDLEG".


Result: The DeactivatedOn function returns the date from which a holder is to be considered dissolved.


Result: The Depot function provides a list of all the owner's securities accounts.


Result: The function ownership_share_spouse returns the ownership share of the owner's spouse as a percentage based on 1.

Holder.allowanceCapital gains→Number

Result: The function Exempt amount for investment income provides the holder's exempt amount for investment income in bearer currency.

HolderAppointments→List(Holder appointment)

Result: The HolderAppointments function provides the list of the holder's appointments.


Result: The Identifier function returns a character string for external identification of the owner, which corresponds to the owner number.


Result: The Owner function provides the owner itself.


Result: The function Owner number returns the alphanumeric owner number (external key).


Result: The Owner_Last_Notification function returns the date on which the last Scheduled Reporting was created for the owner. The "Last notification" date can also be found as information in the owner properties on the "Reporting" mini-tab.

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module


Result: The Owner_Last_ScheduledReportingNotification function returns the date on which the last Scheduled Reporting was created for the owner.

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module


Result: The function Owner_tax_rate returns the owner's private income tax rate based on 1 (1 = 100 %).


Result: The IsDeactivatedAt function checks whether the holder is considered to be deactivated at<date>.


Result: The KiStAbzugBank function indicates whether church tax is to be deducted by the bank.


Result: The KiStAbzugBank_Ehepartner function indicates whether the church tax deduction of the holder's spouse should be carried out by the bank.


Result: The KiStSatz function returns the holder's church tax rate.


Result: The KiStSatz_Ehepartner function returns the church tax rate of the holder's spouse.


Result: The Account function returns the list of all the owner's accounts.


Result: The customer classification function provides the owner's customer classification type.


Result: The Language function returns the owner's reporting language.→String

Result: The Name function returns the name of the owner.


Result: The PerformanceStartDate function returns the start date of the performance calculation from the holder's master data ("Performance calculation from" field).

Owner.PersonLinks[Date;OnlyLevel]→List(person links)

Date (Date[Current date]).

OnlyLevel (Boolean[False]): If this parameter is "True", only the links at the "Owner" level are delivered.

Result: The PersonLinks function returns the list of all person links of the owner for<date>.

"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module


Result: The Portfolio function provides the list of the owner's portfolios.


Result: The ProfileHistory function provides the historical list of all investment profiles for the owner.

"Investment profile recording" module or "Direct investment profile recording" module


Result: The ProfilingCategories function provides a list of all target market categories from the profiling service. The service accesses the data of the corresponding user-defined fields, for example.

Investment profile recording" module


Category (IndexString|String).

Result: The ProfilingValue function returns the value of the specified target market category from the profiling service. The service accesses the data of the corresponding user-defined fields, for example. The target market category can be transferred as an index string or as a string. If an IndexString is passed, its code is used, otherwise the string is interpreted as the code of the target market category. If the category was not found or no value exists, the return value is an empty string.

Investment profile recording" module


Result: The ReferenceAddress1 function returns an additional address, if stored.


Result: This function ReferenceAddress2 returns a further additional address, if stored.


Result: The ReportingFrequency function returns the reporting frequency type defined for the owner in the master data.


Result: The Scheduledreporting_Active function provides the status of the master data for a holder's scheduled reporting ("Scheduled reporting active" checkbox on the "Reporting" mini-tab in the properties).

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module


Result: The Scheduledreporting_ProfileName function provides the master data for a holder's scheduled reporting (selection list "Reporting profile" on the "Reporting" mini-tab in the properties).

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module

Holdertax country→Tax country(Germany, Switzerland)

Result: The Tax country function provides the tax domicile of the custody account holder.


Result: The Tax_Currency function returns the holder's tax currency (corresponding to the tax domicile).


Result: The Married function provides information on whether the custody account holder is married and is jointly invested.


Result: The VerificationDate function returns the date of the last change to the owner's data status.


Result: The VerificationDateTotal function returns the date of verification of the holder's total data status. The most recent date of the (individual) data status under consideration is used.


Result: The VerificationStatus function returns the data status stored in the owner properties (verification status).


Result: The VerificationStatusTotal function provides the total data status of all custody accounts and accounts of the holder and the holder himself. The overall data status can only ever be as good as the worst of the (individual) data statuses under consideration.


Result: The Loss carryforward_shares function returns the loss carryforward for shares (after withholding tax).


Result: The Loss carryforward_capital function provides the loss carryforward for investment income (after withholding tax).


Result: The function provides the loss carryforward for speculative gains (was still possible until 2013 after the introduction of the flat-rate withholding tax).


Result: The Currency function returns the holder's evaluation currency.

The remaining functions on holders can be found in the higher-level chapters Functions on depot objects and Functions on securities accounts, holders, groups.

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