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Functions on depots

Depot.AllPersonLinks[Level only]→List(person link)

OnlyLevel (Boolean[False]): If this parameter is "True", only the links at the "Depot" level are delivered.

Result: The function AllPersonLinks function returns all person links of the depot (across all times). The function therefore returns the currently valid person links of the securities account, but also the person links that were previously valid and, if applicable, those that are not yet valid (contracts that have been concluded but are not yet running).

"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module


Result: The CreatedOn function returns the date according to the securities account master data ("Created on" field).


Result: The ExclusionTax function returns the securities account is to be excluded from the tax consideration. In combination with the "Tax exclusion" parameter of the DepotErtrag function, the accounts and securities accounts marked in this way are ignored in the DepotErtrag function.→Bank

Result: The Bank function returns the bank assigned to the securities account in the securities account properties.


Result: The Remark function returns the remark according to the securities account master data.


From (date).

Until (date).

Result: The function Position_in_Interval returns the list of securities positions in this securities account in the period.


Result: The Name function returns the name of the depot.


Result: The BIC function provides the BIC (Business or Bank Identifier Code) of the custodian bank.


From (date [current date minus 30 days]).

To (date [current date]).

Canceled (Boolean[False]).

Result: The BookEntries function provides the list of all transactions (BookEntries) in the securities account between "From" and "To".


From (date).

Until (date).

Result: The Corporate_Actions function provides the list of corporate actions in this securities account in the period.


From (date [30.12.1899]).

Until (date [current date]).

Result: The CrossoverTransactions function provides the list of cross-portfolio transactions (BookEntries) for the securities account.


Result: The DeactivatedOn function provides the date from which the depot is considered deactivated and is hidden in the Explorer.


Result: The depot function provides the depot itself.


Result: The Depot_Bank function returns the name of the (custodian) bank.


Result: The function Depot_BLZ returns the bank code of the (deposit) bank.


Result: The depot number function returns the alphanumeric depot number (external key).


Result: The Branch number function returns the alphanumeric branch number of the bank branch.


Result: The Identifier function returns a character string for external identification of the securities account consisting of the securities account number and bank code.


Result: The Owner function returns the owner of the securities account.


Date (date).

Result: The IsDeactivatedAt function checks whether the securities account is considered closed at<date>.


From (date).

Until (date).

Result: The Kickbacks function returns the list of kickbacks for this securities account, optionally limited to a security and a time period (via the "From" and "To" parameters).


Result: The Account function returns the reference account of the custody account.


Result: The Limits function returns the limits defined for the securities account.→String

Result: The Name function returns the name of the depot.


Result: The OrderProvisionsSchema function returns the commission scheme of the securities account.


Result: The PerformanceStartDate function returns the start date of the performance calculation from the master data of the securities account ("Performance calculation from" field).

Depot.PersonLinks[Date;Level only]→List(person links)

Date (Date[Current date]).

OnlyLevel (Boolean[False]): If this parameter is "True", only the links at the "Depot" level are delivered.

Result: The function PersonLinks function returns the list of all person links of the depot for<date>.

"Infront Advisory Solution consulting process" module or "People management" module


Result: The Portfolio function returns the portfolio to which the securities account is assigned.


Result: The VerificationDate function returns the date of the last change to the data status of the depot.


Result: The VerificationStatus function returns the data status stored in the securities account properties (verification status).


Result: The Currency function returns the reference currency of the securities account according to the securities account master data.

You can find the remaining functions on depots in the higher-level chapters Functions on depot objects and Functions on securities accounts, holders, groups.

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