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Frequent sources of error

In order to calculate useful performance values, you should observe certain requirements. Take particular care when recording transactions.

Common known causes of "strange" results in the performance calculation:

  • A transaction of the type "Neutral booking" is entered, although you actually want to enter a booking that is performance-neutral. Neutral bookings are (despite their name) fully effective in terms of performance.
  • Income (e.g. fund distributions or interest) is booked as cash deposits and not with the correct booking type. In contrast to income, cash deposits do not affect performance.
  • For inbound and outbound deliveries, the "Exogenous" checkbox on the second page of the dialog box for recording is not set. A non-exogenous inbound or outbound delivery has a full impact on performance, i.e. the entire volume is recognized as profit. If no non-exogenous counter-transaction is also posted, this leads to a distortion of performance. All "normal" inward and outward deliveries, i.e. those that do not arise from corporate actions or similar, must be identified as exogenous.
  • Inbound and outbound rates differ from the rates of the exchange rate system. The distortions in performance caused by this effect depend on the size of the price error (nominal value on delivery multiplied by the difference between the delivery price and the closing price on the valuation date) in relation to the total assets. Note: The delivery or receipt price indicates the current value of the delivery or receipt, not the cost value. The cost value is maintained using the "Price" field in the historical values. You will find this input field on the second page of the "Deposit" dialog box on the "Historical values" mini-tab.
  • Distributions from funds, bonds, shares, etc. are not posted even though a factor is entered in the associated security. This also applies to capital measures. In this case, the distribution or corporate action generates a change in the price of the security that is not offset in the assets by the associated transaction. If the position in question accounts for a significant proportion of the assets and the distribution is correspondingly large, the lack of posting will lead to a drop in performance.
  • Corporate actions are not recognized correctly.
  • Income or corporate actions are not recognized on the correct date. For example, bookings are made at the weekend, while the actual income is received on the following Monday.
  • Transactions with an impact on performance are recognized on very small assets. Example: If you book an asset management fee of 80 euros for 100 euros in assets, this results in a performance of -80%.
  • Transactions affecting performance must always be recognized in the correct period. This also applies to interest payments. Example: large cash withdrawal, then interest payment on the small residual capital -> interest is offset in terms of performance as if it were caused by the residual capital and therefore generates too great a performance). If the assets are even negative, the change of sign must also be taken into account.
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