To open an "empty" formula editor window, select the command NEW, FORMULA-MAKRO in the menu of the "Template" icon on the "Configuration" tab in the ribbon of the Infront Portfolio Manager.
In addition, wherever you can enter or change an MM-Talk formula (e.g. in charts, tables or when defining a trading system), you are automatically taken to the formula editor.
In an open table - e.g. in the asset overview or a securities list - select the "New column formula editor" icon or the command NEW COLUMN FORMULA EDITOR... in the menu of the "Columns" icon on the "Table" tab. In this case, you can enter a new column formula using the formula editor.
To open the formula of a selected column in the formula editor, select the "Edit column formula" icon, the FORMULA command in the context menu of the column or press the key combination <CTRL>+<E>.
Select the "Edit preformula" icon in a table. To work with preformulas, read the sections Preformula and application examples, Preformulas.
In charts, you can access the formula editor via the FORMULA... command in the context menu of a selected time series.
Icons or buttons containing the square root symbol "√" or the word "Formula" usually take you directly to the formula editor. In many cases, a green tick on the icon or button also indicates that a valid formula is stored.
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