Fund prospectuses
You have the option of displaying FWW fund prospectuses in the integrated browser.
If you have licensed the "Fund prospectuses" module, open a fund prospectus as follows:
- Enter the fund you want to search for in the ribbon search field and press <RETURN>.
- Select the desired hit in the search result of the object search to open its workspace.
- In the fund workspace, switch to the "Fund" worksheet and then to "Prospectus".
First, a start page opens in the browser. Here you will find an overview of the fund's most important master data as well as links to all important documents such as the semi-annual and annual reports and the sales prospectus in the "Documents" section.
This allows you to open a complete sales prospectus of a fund in the program in the browser or in the integrated Adobe Reader without leaving the Infront Portfolio Manager.
The information on navigating in PDF documents, printing or saving also applies to the fund prospectuses.
See e.g. chapter Analysis & Risk Report online.