The "Fund Breakdown Top Holdings" analysis shows the companies in which the portfolio is most heavily invested via its fund positions. The top holdings are always supplied in addition to the allocation information.
You open the evaluation (in the default state) in the workspaces of groups, holders, portfolios or securities accounts via the worksheets "Assets", "Fund Breakdown", "Top Holdings". Here, too, only the cumulative percentage share of the securities account value for the individual holding is of interest in the "collapsed" view.
You can "expand" the items by clicking on the plus signs. You will then find detailed information on the fund positions.
To collapse the items again, refresh the view.
The most important columns of the "Fund Breakdown Top Holdings" analysis:
Share [%] of the securities account value
The cumulative percentage share of the portfolio value for the individual positions.
Share of fund in holding company
This column shows how heavily the fund is invested in the company in question.
Share of funds in the custody account
The percentage share of the fund in the custody account.
Market value
The "Market value" column shows the absolute value of the fund position in the evaluation currency.
Settings for the fund break-down top holdings
An example of how to calculate the allocation information for the funds can be found in the Fund Breakdown Countriessection.
The parameter and filter settings are displayed via the "Show parameter and filter settings" icon. Details on the parameters are described in the chapter Parameters for fund break-down . However, the "Structure" parameter is not available for this evaluation.
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