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Finder Certificates Discount

As the name suggests, a discount certificate grants a discount on the actual price of the underlying asset, e.g. a share. However, this discounted purchase level includes a participation limit, the so-called cap, up to which investors benefit from price increases. If the underlying asset falls, the discount, as a buffer, reduces the losses. Use the "Finder Certificates Discount" to search for certificates of this type.

The "Finder Certificates Discount" is a table optimized for searching for these certificates, which you can use to configure individual search queries via the filter settings. In open security finders, the "Finder Certificates Discount" is stored on the "Finder Certificates" worksheet.

You open the "Finder Certificates" via the command FINDER CERTIFICATES in the menu of the Finder icon "Securities" on the "Start" tab.

In addition to the columns described in the section Finder certificates , the "Finder Zertifikate Discount" contains the following columns:



Subscription ratio

The subscription ratio of the discount certificate.

Maximum yield

The maximum yield of the discount certificate in percent.

You can use the parameters to enter a percentage value for the expenses to be taken into account in the calculation.


The cap of the discount certificate.

A cap is the fixed maximum amount up to which the investor can profit from an increase in the price of the underlying asset . This restriction is remunerated with the discount in the case of discount certificates.

Discount [%]

The discount of the discount certificate in percent.

In the case of a discount certificate, the holder is granted a discount on the underlying asset. The holder must "pay" for this discount, which represents an additional risk buffer, by limiting the profit opportunities (see also the "Cap" column).

Distance Cap [%]

The distance of the certificate to the cap in percent.

You can use the parameters to select a different evaluation date and enter a percentage value for the expenses to be taken into account when calculating the "Maximum income" key figure.

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