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Favorites on the Internet

In Infront Portfolio Manager you can save any number of favorite pages for a website. Proceed as follows:

  1. If necessary, establish a connection to the Internet and open the homepage of a company, for example, as described in the section Show homepage of a company .
  2. To assign a favorite page to this website, enter a new URL in the "Address" input field.
  3. Now select the command SAVE AS FAVORITE PAGE on the "Website" tab.
    The "Save Internet address" dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the name for your favorite page in the "Name" field. You will find the open website in the "Address" field.
    You can also select an already defined page from your hard disk here (using the "Search local resource" button) or enter another address manually.
  5. Confirm with "Save" to add a corresponding button to the object links.
  • The favorites are saved in relation to securities. You can therefore define individual favorites for each security.
  • Favorites can also be shown and hidden via the context menu of the toolbar with the other object links of the link bar.
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