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Ex-ante cost statement

The "Ex-ante cost breakdown" provides you with a detailed overview of the ex-ante costs of your planned orders. Divided into entry costs, ongoing costs and exit costs, the individual current amounts from the cost service are shown for all of the holder's orders in the selected period. You can find the table, for example, on the "Compliance" worksheet in the open workspaces of depot objects.

In detail, the "Ex ante cost statement" table contains the following columns:




The name of the holder from the holder properties. The table is grouped according to this column on the first level.

WP name

The name of the security from the security master data. The table is grouped according to this column on the second level.

Creation date

The date and time the order was created.

The table is grouped according to this column on the third level.


The cost category from the cost scheme - usually entry and exit costs as well as ongoing costs.

The table is grouped according to this column on the fourth level.

Cost type

The cost types defined within the cost categories from the cost scheme, e.g. "Own costs" or "External costs".

Cost component

The individual cost components defined within the cost types from the cost scheme, e.g. bank or stock exchange fees.

Depot number

The securities account number entered in the "Securities account no." field in the properties of the securities account.

Account number

The account number entered in the "Account no." field in the account properties.

Costs [cost-per-unit]

The amount of the cost components in the cost currency.

Cost currency

The currency of the cost components.


The ISIN of the security.

Nominal value

The number of securities ordered.

Security currency

The currency of the security from the master data of the price quotation.

Order type

The type of order - e.g. buy or sell.


The (ex-ante) price of the order.

Investment amount

The investment amount of the order.

Investment horizon

The investment horizon of the order.

Trading center

The trading place of the order.

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