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Withdrawal plan

The variant of a withdrawal plan without capital consumption is relatively trivial, as the return generated by a fund can simply be withdrawn. The following scenarios can be considered:

  • What withdrawals can I make monthly/annually, assuming a return p, so that my capital K is preserved?
  • Assuming a return of p per month/year, what capital do I need to be able to make a withdrawal of r without reducing my capital K?

In principle, the variant with capital consumption leads to an amortization calculation. It is assumed that a certain starting capitalK0 leads to a target capital of 0 after a certain term n through regular monthly or annual withdrawals r. The following scenarios can be calculated:

  • Assuming a return p, what withdrawals can I make monthly/annually so that my starting capitalK0 is used up after a term n?
  • What starting capitalK0 do I need in order to be able to make a withdrawal of r, assuming a return of p per month/year, whereby the capital is used up after a term n?
  • With a starting capital ofK0 and assuming a return of p, how long can monthly/annual withdrawals of r be made until the starting capital is used up?
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