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Elements of the database tool start window

The elements of the "Database tool" dialog window in detail:




Displays the database system.


Depending on the database, you will see the following information in this field:

  • Oracle
    SQLNet connection
  • MS-SQL
    Database and server

Course system

Specifies the path to the course system.

The spelling of the database file and course system is shortened for long names. If you point to it, the complete name is displayed in the tooltip.


The "Log" field is used to log the process and any errors that occur. This allows you to follow the processes.

The log messages are saved in parallel in the MMDBTool(Computername).Log file in the log directory.

See chapter Log files.

Compact database

Select this button to compact your MS SQL database. Compacting is also part of complete maintenance.

You can also set up regular automatic compacting for MS SQL databases. To do this, select the MAINTENANCE, OPTIONS... command in the main menu of the database tool and specify the maintenance interval in the dialog box that appears.

The default setting is 14 days.

Complete maintenance

Select this button to have the database completely maintained.


Use this button to close the database tool.

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