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Settings for "Enumeration" type



Defines the type of enumeration. Available are:

  • User-defined
  • GD types (linear, geometric, weighted, exponential, triangular)
  • GD types reduced (linear, weighted, exponential, triangular)
  • DMI types (+DI/-DI, DMI, ADX, ADXR)
  • Surface object types
  • Price types (open, high, low, close, spot, volume, contract, open interest, valuation price)
  • Time series consolidation types
  • Time intervals for success calculations (total period, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually)
  • Performance calculation types (time-weighted, time-weighted cum equity, classic, internal rate of return)
  • Performance mode trading systems (with and without reinvestment)
  • Securities search mode (ISIN, WKN, MMWKN)
  • Portfolio segment types (holder, custody account, asset class, region, sector segment, currency class, position, security type, country, sector, currency)
  • Asset classifications
  • Currencies (all currencies in the database)


[Only for enumeration type "User-defined"]

If this checkbox is activated, you can only choose between the values defined in the "Enumeration values" field (see below) in the user-defined field.

If this checkbox is deactivated, other values (as a string) can be entered in addition to the enumeration values.


[Only for enumeration type "User-defined"]

If this checkbox is activated, the texts in reports are automatically translated if a different reporting language is selected.

User-defined fields and their values must be maintained as objects to be translated in the respective translation memories.

Enumeration values

[Only for enumeration type "User-defined"]

Here you can manually enter which values should be available in the selection list in the parameter dialog. The individual values must be separated by a line break (<RETURN>).

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