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Cost value correction

With a (commercial) cost price correction, you have the option of changing cost prices, i.e. correcting them upwards or downwards. Such a cost value correction is particularly necessary after posted (non-exogenous) deliveries in order to obtain consistent values in the Performance Report .

To make a cost value correction, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the "Enter transactions" worksheet as described above in the section Enter transactions and select the desired holder if necessary.
  2. Open the DEPOT menu in the "Enter transactions" worksheet.
  3. Go to Depot transaction types and select the transaction type INPUT VALUE CORRECTION.
    Use the keyboard to enter an input value correction when the "Enter transactions" worksheet is open as follows: Press the key combination <CTRL>+<1> for the securities account transaction types. Then press the button<K>.
    The dialog box "Input value correction" appears.
  4. Enter the desired data in the input fields or select the desired entries from the lists.

    The fields in detail:




    The currently selected owner.


    If necessary, select a different securities account here.

    Storage location

    Select a storage location here if necessary.

    If you have selected a depository, only securities with this depository will be displayed in the securities selection.

    You manage storage locations in the "Enter storage locations" dialog box, which you open using the STORAGE LOCATIONS command in the "Manage objects" icon menu on the "Data maintenance" tab.

    It is not possible to select a depository for options and futures.


    Date on which the commercial cost value correction was recorded.

    The current date is displayed in front.


    Time at which the commercial cost value correction is recorded.

    The current time is displayed in front.

    Selection of securities

    All securities contained in the custody account are listed in the "Securities" selection list. Select the one you want to correct. The details of the type, ISIN and WKN appear at the bottom after the selection.

    Correction currency

    If necessary, select a different currency for the cost value correction in this selection list.

    Existing position

    At the top right of the dialog box you will find the details of the position before the correction with position, trading currency and last available price before the selected date. The course date of the last available course is shown in brackets.

    Purchase price

    In the "Price correction" area you can see the purchase price and its currency.

    Relative price correction

    If you have selected such a value using the "Select countervalue..." button described below, the correction value is calculated and entered here immediately. You can also enter the relative correction value manually here, but this is not usually advisable.

    Choose equivalent value..

    You can use this button to select an equivalent value from the list of available orders in the dialog box that appears and confirm with "OK".

    To select an order, e.g. a (non-exogenous) deposit from a corporate action, as the countervalue, check the box on the far left in the corresponding table row. The total equivalent value shown above is then calculated from the nominal value and the price. You can also select several orders here.

    Price after correction

    Here you can see the corrected price.


    You can enter any text here (max. 50 characters).

    Transaction number

    If the transaction comes via a Portfolio Sync Interface, you will see the transaction number here, which is used to identify the transactions.

  5. Confirm the entries with the "Enter" button.
    The cost price of the security has now been changed.
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