In addition to the option of historicizing assigned benchmarks via the portfolio versions, you can also historicize the index composition of the (self-created) securities of the "Index" type yourself. If the index composition contains, for example, securities with a time limit and therefore expiring securities, you can create new "versions" of the index with subsequent securities, etc.
Proceed as follows to create your own benchmark:
First create the index as a new security. To do this, on the "Data maintenance" tab, select the command VALUE PAPER, INDEX/BENCHMARK in the menu of the "Create objects" icon. Please also read the section on securities.
Define the master data for the benchmark. In particular, assign a name and a security ID. The leading character "&" for the security ID is assigned automatically.
Select the "Save" button.
The "Course note properties" dialog box opens. Define their properties here again. In particular, assign an MMWKN. The leading character "&" for the MMWKN is assigned automatically.
Activate the "Index compilation" option in the "Price calculation" section of the "Price note properties" dialog box.
Confirm the entries with "OK".
The new index is stored in the "Self-created securities" folder in the Explorer. Open the context menu here with the right mouse button and select the command VALUE PAPER, INDEX COMPOSITION. The "Index composition" dialog box appears, which is still empty for newly created indices.
First create (at least) one element in the "History" window using the "Create new entry" icon. The element appears in the history with a validity date and "new" status. You can now make the index composition for this element.
Drag the desired securities, folders or filters into the "Composition" list field. List entries with a weight of 1 are created for all new securities. To add securities to the composition via the object search, select the "Add security" icon or select the ADD command in the context menu of the list field or press the <INSERT> button. In all cases, the familiar object search opens, which you can use to search for securities. If necessary, please also read the section Search field and object search.
Make the desired settings for the benchmark and edit the weights of the individual securities if necessary.
Repeat steps 7-9 for further (historicized) elements or versions of the index composition. Enter a separate "Valid from" date for each entry.
Save the dialog window, e.g. with the "Save" icon in the quick access toolbar, to save the settings. If you have not saved any data, you will be prompted to do so when you close the dialog box. Then answer "Yes" to allow the changes to take effect.
Right-click in the list field and select the REMOVE command in the context menu or press the key combination <CTRL>+<ENTF> to remove securities from the index composition. Alternatively, you can use the "Remove selected security" icon.
Definitions of the overall index composition
Index type
Choose between performance and price index in the selection list.
Calculation currency
All security prices are converted into the currency set here when the index is calculated. This sometimes differs from the nominal index currency, which is determined via the price quotation properties.
Select the desired type of rebasing by clicking on the corresponding option. The following options are available:
Daily Here the rebasing is carried out on each trading day, i.e. the calculated number values apply for exactly one day.
In each period
Here, the rebasing periods depend on the time series consolidation, i.e: If weekly or monthly data is displayed, the rebasing also changes to weekly or monthly.
In the "History" list, you can see the historicized versions currently created for this index. Use the icons to create new versions and remove any that are no longer required.
Copy selected entry
Select this icon to create a copy of the currently selected version of the index compilation. This then appears in the list with the status "new" and can be edited further.
Create new entry
Select this icon to add a new entry. This then appears in the list with the status "new" and can be edited further.
Delete selected entry
Select this icon to delete the currently selected entry from the history. This entry remains in the list with the status "deleted" until the next save.
Valid from" column
In this column you can see the date from which this version of the index compilation takes effect. You can edit this date using the input field of the same name to the right of the history.
Status" column
In this column you can see the status of the respective version. New entries that have been created but not yet saved are given the status "new", entries that have been removed but not yet saved are given the status "deleted" and entries that have been changed but not yet saved again are given the status "changed".
If all entries, changes and deletions have been saved, the column is empty.
Fields for the index composition versions
Valid from
In this input field, enter the date from which the currently selected version from the history should be valid.
This validity date is decisive, for example, for the index composition to be taken into account in evaluations on the respective evaluation date.
Right-click in the input field to quickly select today's date, the day before, the beginning of the month or the beginning of the quarter via the context menu that appears
Base factor
Enter the value by which the securities total will be divided at the end.
Composition" list field
In the list field you can see the list of securities or price quotations with ISIN, WKN and currency that are included in the index according to their weights.
Column "Weight"
While the name, ISIN, WKN and currency are predefined by the securities, in this column you can individually assign the weighting with which the security selected in the list field is to be included in the index calculation. Simply enter the desired value in the table cell.
Column "Weight %"
After entering the weight in the "Weight" column, you will immediately see the currently calculated percentage of this security.
The number of securities in the index composition of the currently selected version is shown in brackets above the list field.
Add security
Select this icon to search for a security via the appearing object search and add it to the index composition. The security then appears in the list with the weight "1.00" and can be processed further.
Remove selected security
Select this icon to remove the currently selected security from the index composition.
Any prices of the index in the database are not manipulated by activating the price calculation, so that they become visible again when deactivated. Otherwise, there are no differences to normal securities of the type "Index", because a calculated index can be used like any security in folders, as a comparative value of a security or a portfolio, in formula filters or when exporting price data.
Wichtige Tipps zur Indexberechnung
Provide benchmarks for all price time series (spot, close, open, high, low...) Values are available. The price types of the securities requested by the index are generally used in the index calculation. For example, the spot performance of the index is based on the spot values of the securities (the usual price supplementation for time series takes place).
High and low prices are a special case, as they cannot be meaningfully calculated on the basis of the high and low prices of the securities. The maximum and minimum open and close prices of the indices are therefore used for this calculation.
Candlestick charts can therefore be formed in a meaningful way. Note, however, that these are somewhat degenerated during daily consolidation, as the high and low always coincide with the open or close.
Index compositions can contain both securities objects and price quotation objects. Index compositions are delivered on a price quotation basis via Market Data Pool. In the case of index compilation filters, the folder of the corresponding security objects can also be created from this. Please also read the section Index compilation filter.
For the standard indices (DAX, MDAX, EURO STOXX 50...), the current index composition is of course still delivered automatically via Market Data Pool (without historicization).
The index calculation provides values for the index from the date from which each index participant has delivered a price, i.e. from the maximum of the start times. A price is then calculated for the index for all days on which a price exists for at least one index participant. This also applies in particular to index calculations with rebasing.
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