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Edit object zones




Globally unique name of the object zone.


Use the "Add" button to assign further object zones as sub-zones to the currently selected object zone. In the dialog box that appears, you can select multiple zones by pressing and holding the <SHIFT> button during selection.

You can use the "Remove" button to remove selected sub-zones from the list.

If the domain feature is activated, you can only select zones from the same domain. You can also select the interface zones of the subordinate zones.

User authorizations

Take the user authorizations for this object zone from this table.

Assign further users to this object zone using the "Add" button. The following "Role/user assignment" dialog box opens:

Select the users using the "Select user" button on the right-hand side.

In the dialog box that appears, you can select multiple users by holding down the <CTRL> key (or <SHIFT> if the entries are one below the other) during selection:

Close the dialog box after selection with "OK".

Then select the "Select role" button to assign a role to these users.

Confirm the assignment in the "Role/user assignment" dialog box with "OK".

Selected assignments can be deleted again using the "Remove" button. Multiple selection is also possible here.

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