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Configure document types for automatic uploading

Configure the document types in the server configuration tool. Here you can also specify whether the documents of a type to be archived should be uploaded automatically. Proceed as follows:

  1. Start the server configuration tool via the <Configure server> command in the Windows start menu.
  2. In the server configuration tool, select the command CONFIGURATION, CONFIGURE DOCUMENT TYPES in the main menu.

  3. In the "Configure document types" dialog box that appears, select the "Add document type" icon to create new document types.
  4. Activate the checkbox in the "Postbox upload" column for the desired document types.
  5. Save the configuration of the document types with "OK".
    You can assign or change the document types configured in this way to the reports as usual directly when creating, archiving or in the "Document archive" worksheet for the listed documents using the EDIT DOCUMENT PROPERTIES command in the context menu.

In the "Storage location" column, you also have the option of specifying a path for storing the documents (on the server on which the Portfolio Manager server is also located).
For further details, please read the chapter Portfolio Manager Server in the administration manual.

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