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The capital overview in the money management tool

In the top right-hand section of the money management tool, you will see a complete overview of your capital and the risks arising from your settings and previous investments. The following table contains explanations of the individual fields in this overview.


Book value

The total carrying amount of the assets.

You can find more information on this in the section The risk disposition.


The sum of cash and cash equivalents.

Deposit value

The carrying amount less liquidity.

Venture capital

The portion of the book value that is managed by means of money management.

Investment capital

The proportion of risk capital that may be invested.

Invested capital

The sum of the book values of the positions that are monitored using money management.

Maximum total risk

The amount of the risk set.

Current overall risk

The sum of the risks of all positions.

Remaining risk

The risk that can be used to build up new positions.

Number of new positions

The number of new positions that can be built up with the remaining risk at the specified risk per position.

Controlled positions

The number of positions that are managed using money management.

In money management, the valuation of positions differs from the normal asset overview. The carrying amount of an item is the value against which the reported risk exists.

You can find detailed information on this in the section The risk disposition.

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