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Details of the change log

Portfolio service change log" module

The change log provides the following information and functions:

Top toolbar



Show/hide settings" icon

Use this icon to open and close the upper filter area of the log.

Icon "Save change log as CSV file"

Select this icon to export the displayed change log as a CSV file.

If you have opened the change log in the workspace of a depot object, this function is not available. However, you can print there using the usual methods (PRINT command in the "File" menu, icon on the quick access toolbar or <CTRL>+<P>).

If necessary, read the Export change logsection.

Update" icon

Select this icon to update the change log.

Icon "Open help for the evaluation window"

Select this icon to open the online help for the change log.

Filter area




For reasons of clarity, the change log is grouped by default. Changes made by the same user to the same object are summarized in one line - e.g. simultaneous changes to the owner number and the "Created on" date.

If you want to see each individual change to a data field in a separate line, deactivate this checkbox.

Mark deleted objects

Lines with changes to objects that have already been deleted are grayed out by default.

If you want to remove this marking, deactivate this checkbox.

Compact display of deleted objects

Changes to objects that have already been deleted are displayed in compact form by default.

If you want to see all changes to the deleted object in detail, deactivate this checkbox.

Display primary data

Activate this checkbox if you want to display the internal database IDs instead of the names of the objects.

Display data status

Activate this checkbox to show or hide entries regarding changes to the data status of securities account objects - holders, portfolios, securities accounts, accounts (including accounts for special investments), interested parties.

Show hidden fields

Activate this checkbox to show or hide fields.

For example, for reasons of clarity, the entry and modification dates do not usually have to be displayed permanently.


Select the user whose changes you want to track from the selection list.

With the entry "All users" you can see all changes in the selected period.

Multiple selection is also possible: To do this, activate the checkboxes of the users to be displayed in the expanded list. This setting remains saved for the logged-in user of the Infront Portfolio Manager when the change log is called up in the future.

This selection list is only visible with the appropriate authorization.


Select the application whose changes you want to track from the selection list. This can be, for example, the program file of the Infront Portfolio Manager ("vwdpm.exe") or the Portfolio Sync Interface ("portfoliosyncinterface.exe").

With the "All" entry, you can see changes to all applications in the selected period.


Enter the date from which you want to track the changes in this input field.

You can use the context menu in the input field to quickly insert the dates "Today", "Yesterday", "Start of month" and "Start of quarter".

The default setting is the current date.


Enter the date up to which you want to track the changes in this input field.

You can use the context menu in the input field to quickly insert the dates "Today", "Yesterday", "Start of month" and "Start of quarter".

The default setting is the current date.

Data records

Here you can see the number of data records in the database. The number of data records displayed is limited to 5000.

If there are more than 5000 data records, you can use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons to navigate through the data records in steps of 5000.

This information is only visible in the "global" change log and not in the log for individual objects.





The exact date and time of the change.


The type of changed object - holder, portfolio, custody account, transaction..


The zone (user administration) in which the changed object is located.


The name of the changed object.


The (master data) field that has been changed - holder number, reporting profile, "Performance calculation from" date..

Old value

The value of the field before the change.

New value

The value of the field after the change.


The nature of the change. The following entries are possible:

  • I
    Insert (re-entry of the value, creation in the database)
  • U
    Update (update, change the value in the database)
  • D
    Delete (deletion of the value in the database)


The user who made the change.


The exact version of the executable program on which the change is based. This is usually the vwd portfolio manager or a portfolio sync interface.

Status bar




The number of lines displayed.

Obsolete fields are marked as such in the change log.

In the change log, you also have all the options you are familiar with from working with this type of list, such as filtering by value or grouping by column or sorting by mouse click.

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