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The option strategy calculator

The option strategy calculator is a tool for analyzing and constructing combination positions with options.

To start the option strategy calculator, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the "Option strategy calculator" icon on the "Tools" tab.
    Or select the "Option strategy calculator" icon on your quick access toolbar. In the chapter Quick access toolbar you can find out how to configure the quick access bar and thus have quick access to exactly the functions you need again and again.
    Or use the quick search to search for an underlying (e.g. the "DAX" index or a share on which options are traded) and then open its workspace by double-clicking on it in the search result. Then switch to the "Option strategy" worksheet in the workspace of the underlying and click on "Calculator". In this case, the selection of the underlying described in the following step is omitted and you are taken directly to the option strategy calculator with the preassigned underlying.
  2. In the "Underlying selection" dialog box that appears, select the desired underlying by double-clicking on it. Tip: Enter the first letter of the underlying you are looking for to jump to the correct position in the list.

    The option strategy calculator opens with the underlying as the input object.

    The calculator form has an input area on the left and an output area on the right, which is still empty as long as no strategy is selected. Once the underlying has been defined, some key figures are shown at the top left:


    Last course

    Current or last available price of the underlying in the database.

    Volatility 250

    (Current) historical volatility over 250 trading days.

    Volatility 30

    (Current) historical volatility over 30 trading days.

    Margin interval

    Margin interval for the selected underlying.

    Contract size

    Denomination for the tradability of options.
    (if the underlying is a share)

    Margin interval and contract size are displayed as they are defined in the master data or in the trading conditions for options .

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