Definitions of fund performance
Column | Description |
Redemption price | Redemption price of the fund on the evaluation date, or last available price if no redemption price is available on the evaluation date. |
Currency | The currency of the fund from the master data. |
Date | Actual date of the displayed redemption price (if a date other than the evaluation date was used). |
Performance current year | Calculation of fund performance in accordance with the BVI method (BVI Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e. V.). The calculation interval ranges from the beginning of the year (year of the evaluation date) to the evaluation date itself. Please read the following section. |
Performance 6 months | The calculation interval here goes back six months from the evaluation date. |
Performance 1 year, 2 years, etc. | The calculation interval here goes back 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 years from the evaluation date. |
Volatility current year | Volatility measures the fluctuation risk of the fund as a percentage. The standard deviation (deviation from the average performance) is used as a statistical measure of volatility. The higher the standard deviation, the greater the price fluctuations, i.e. the riskier the fund. The period (in trading days, approximated) goes back from the evaluation date to the beginning of the year. Volatility can only be calculated meaningfully if the period covers at least 5 trading days. Consequently, an evaluation date very close to the beginning of the year does not provide a result. |
Volatility 6 months | The calculation interval (in trading days, approximated) for volatility (see above) goes back six months from the evaluation date. |
Volatility 1 year, 2 years, etc. | The calculation interval (in trading days, approximated) for volatility (see above) goes back 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 years from the evaluation date. |
Investment focus | By default, the table is aggregated according to the investment focus. To cancel this aggregation (grouping), deactivate the VIEW, GROUPED DISPLAY command in the main menu. |