Definitions of fund risk
Column | Description |
Sharpe ratio | The Sharpe ratio measures the excess return of a fund over the safe money market investment per unit of risk. The key figure "volatility" is used as a measure of risk. All figures are calculated on an annualized basis. |
Treynor ratio | The Treynor ratio also measures the excess return of a fund, but here the systematic risk (expressed by the beta factor) is used instead of the overall risk (expressed by the volatility). |
Redemption price | Redemption price of the fund on the evaluation date, or last available price if no price is available on the evaluation date. |
Volatility | Volatility measures the fluctuation risk of the fund as a percentage. The standard deviation (deviation from the average performance) is used as a statistical measure of volatility. The higher the standard deviation, the greater the price fluctuations, i.e. the riskier the fund. The calculation period is one year, i.e. 250 trading days backwards from the evaluation date. |
Beta factor | The beta factor indicates the average percentage change in the fund return if the market (benchmark index) rises or falls by 1%. This is a comparison between the fund and an index assigned to it (benchmark). The "Benchmark" and "Benchmark WKN" columns indicate which index is involved. A value above (below) 1 means on average a stronger (weaker) movement of the fund compared to the benchmark. By default, the calculation period is one year, i.e. 250 trading days backwards from the evaluation date. |
Correlation | The correlation measures the degree to which two price time series (in this case the fund and its benchmark) move in the same direction. The measurement is on a scale from -1 to +1. Here, -1 means that the price time series are completely opposite. 0 means that no correlation can be established between the price movements. +1 means that the two price time series are completely identical. The calculation period is one year, i.e. 250 trading days backwards from the evaluation date. |
Date | The actual date of the displayed redemption price (if a date other than the evaluation date was used due to non-existent prices). |
Benchmark | Name of the index that serves as a benchmark for calculating the key figures "beta factor" and "correlation". The benchmark can be changed in the "Benchmark" field in the fund's master data, which you can open using the PROPERTIES command in the fund's context menu. |
WKN Benchmark | Security identification number of the benchmark described above. |
Performance | Achieved performance. By default, the calculation goes back 1 year from the evaluation date. |
Risk-free interest | Risk-free interest rate deposited for the currency of the fund. This is included in the calculation of the Sharpe and Treynor ratios. If necessary, change these settings via the parameters or globally via the SAFE INTERESTS command in the icon menu "Further configurations" on the "Configuration" tab. Read the chapter Configure secure interest rates. |
Investment focus | By default, the table is grouped according to the investment focus. To cancel this aggregation (grouping), deactivate the GROUPED DISPLAY command in the "View options" icon menu on the "Table" tab in the ribbon. |