When configuring the investment agents, you can define rounding schemes for unit and amount orders in the "Rounding scheme" area using the "Unit order" and "Amount order" buttons.
Rounding scheme for unit orders
The rounding scheme for unit orders rounds the number of securities (column "Target position" in the position overview of portfolio rebalancing).
Proceed as follows to define a rounding scheme for unit orders when configuring an investment agent:
In the "Investment agents" worksheet, select the "Unit order" button in the "Rounding scheme" area.
Define your rounding scheme in the "Edit rounding scheme - piece order" dialog box that appears.
Create a new row using the "Add new rounding value" icon and enter the desired values for the first interval in the columns - e.g. the value "1" in the "From" column and the value "1" in the "Multiples of" column.
Proceed in the same way for the second interval - e.g. column "From" value "25" and column "Multiples of" value "5".
Proceed in the same way for all other rounding values.
Save the rounding scheme with "OK". The unit order rounding scheme is defined for this investment agent.
Beispiel zum Rundungsschema für Stückorders
Number of securities (column "From")
Rounding (column "Multiple of")
1 to 24 pieces:
No rounding
25 to 99 pieces:
Rounding to a number divisible by 5
100 to 499 pieces:
Rounding to a number divisible by 10
500 to 1000 pieces:
Rounding to a number divisible by 50
Over 1000 pieces:
Rounding to a number divisible by 100
Rounding scheme for amount orders
The rounding scheme for amount orders rounds the resulting real investment sums.
Proceed as follows to define a rounding scheme for amount orders when configuring an investment agent:
In the "Investment agents" worksheet, select the "Amount order" button in the "Rounding scheme" area.
Define your rounding scheme in the "Edit rounding scheme - Amount order" dialog box that appears.
Create a new row using the "Add new rounding value" icon and enter the desired values for the first interval in the columns - e.g. the value "1" in the "From" column and the value "1" in the "Multiples of" column.
Proceed in the same way for the second interval - e.g. column "From" value "1000" and column "Multiples of" value "10".
Proceed in the same way for the third interval - e.g. column "From" value "10,000" and column "Multiples of" value "100".
Proceed in the same way for all other rounding values.
Save the rounding scheme with "OK". The amount order rounding scheme is defined for this investment agent.
Beispiel zum Rundungsschema für Betragsorders
Investment amount (column "From")
Rounding (column "Multiple of")
1 to 999 euros:
Rounding to an investment amount divisible by 1
From 1000 euros:
Rounding to an investment amount divisible by 10
From 10,000 euros:
Rounding to an investment amount divisible by 100
Only positive values can be entered in the "Multiples of" column.
The stored rounding scheme for amount orders applies to the calculations based on the corresponding investment agents, but also, for example, if stored via a basic configuration, for manual reallocations or for direct entry in the "Weight by order" column of the position overview.
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