Default values
For most parameters, there is a standard value (default) that is always used for the calculation if the parameter has not been assigned a different value.
If you want to use the default value for a parameter in an MM-Talk formula, use an underscore"_" for the assignment. This MM-Talk object indicates that the parameter is not assigned.
If only individual parameters are to be assigned in a function with several parameters, all parameters to the left of the parameter to be assigned must be filled with an underscore"_". Parameters further to the right can be filled with"_" or omitted completely. If, for example, only the method is to be defined in the function GD[$period; $method; $Xoffset; $Yoffset] , but the default values are to be used for all other parameters, you can either write GD[_;$method;_;_] or only GD[_;$method].
Functions react differently to parameters that are left blank in individual cases, but the default value is normally used.