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Data fields in portfolio profiles

Portfolio Service" module Advancedadvanced portfolio analysis"

Portfolio profiles contain a subset of the master data of the portfolios. These values are accessed in the various evaluations using the MM-Talk formula language. The following applies to the value of master data A:

  • If the portfolio has defined a value for A in the portfolio version, this value applies.
  • If the portfolio does not have a value for A in the portfolio version and a portfolio profile is assigned to it via a profile key, then the profile value for A applies.

Special case of restrictions: The restrictions of portfolio versions and portfolio profiles are merged. This means that both the restrictions of the portfolio version and the restrictions of the portfolio profile apply.

You can define for a portfolio version without overriding that no value should be given while there is a value in the assigned portfolio profile. This means that you cannot overwrite a benchmark assigned via a portfolio profile with "No benchmark".

Specific data fields in portfolio profiles

Investment guidelines

  • Financial portfolio management
  • Benchmark and Benchmark 2
  • Asset allocation
  • Restrictions
  • Risk limit
  • Investment Agents
    (This selection is only available if at least one of the two modules "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" and "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" is licensed)
  • General remarks and allocation remarks
    (remarks cannot be passed on to the individual assigned portfolio versions)


  • Evaluation currency
  • Reporting profile from Scheduled Reporting
    (This selection is only available if the "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module is licensed)
  • Reporting frequency
  • Scheduled Reporting active
    (This setting is only available if the "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module is licensed)
  • Portfolio loss threshold
    (This setting is only available if the "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module is licensed)
  • Securities loss threshold
    (This setting is only available if the "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module is licensed)

Supervisor data

  • Supervisor name
  • Organization
  • Supervisor number
  • Support area name
  • Support area abbreviation

Fee invoice

  • Fee reporting frequency
  • Hurdle rate
  • Asset management fee
  • Performance fee

User-defined fields

  • All custom fields defined on portfolios (portfolio versions) can be defined in portfolio profiles.
  • The value of a user-defined field is determined according to the following sequence: value from the portfolio version if applicable, value of the portfolio profile if applicable, otherwise value of the default value formula.

Change log

From the "Manage portfolio profiles" dialog box, you can switch directly to the change log for the portfolio profile via the "Change log" icon at the bottom left - provided you have the appropriate permissions. The icon is deactivated if authorization is missing.

The "Change log" icon is only visible if the "Portfolio service change log" module is licensed.

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