Convert database to MS-SQL
If you want to convert the underlying database of the current installation to MS SQL, proceed as follows:
- Exit the Infront Portfolio Manager.
- Start the database tool via the <Database tool> command in the Windows start menu.
- In the database tool, select the command INSTALLATION, CONVERT DATABASE... in the main menu.
The first "Convert database" dialog box of the database wizard appears: - Read the instructions and confirm with "Next".
The current configuration appears. After clicking on "Next", the second dialog window "Convert database" of the database wizard appears. Select the MS-SQL database system via the corresponding option.
Also specify here whether you want to use an existing MS SQL database for the new configuration or create a new database. To do this, activate the corresponding option at the bottom of the dialog box.
- Confirm the details with "Next".
- If a new database is created, enter the MS-SQL server name, the database administrator and the administrator password in the following dialog box:
Enter an administrator name and password here who is authorized to create databases and users in MS-SQL. - Confirm with "Next".
For MS-SQL, you must enter a database name, user name and password here. If a new database is created, the database name must not yet exist in the database. In this case, an error message appears. Then select a different name. The prerequisite for use is either the installation of the Microsoft Data components or a client installation of MS-SQL. - Confirm with "Next".
A new database is created if this option was selected. Once the database has been successfully created, a corresponding message informs you of this.
If a connection to the database could be established, a dialog box appears in which you can see once again which configuration is being converted to which. - Select the "Start" button.
Follow the progress of the conversion in the dialog window. After successful conversion, a corresponding message appears. - Click "Finish" to complete the conversion.
The log in the main window then provides you with all the information about the processes and the associated times.