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The "Object search" dialog box

If you have opened the "Object search" dialog box, proceed as follows to search:

  1. First choose between the categories "Securities", "Depotobjekte", "Ordner" and "Alles".
    A preselection may already have been made.
  2. Enter the search term in the top field.
    It is sufficient to enter part of the name. If you enter the part of a name, a WKN or a customer number here, all objects matching this beginning will be searched for.
  3. Confirm with <RETURN> or click on the "Search" button. A selection list of the objects found appears.
    If different object types are found (holders, securities accounts, different types of securities, etc.), the results are displayed on several tabs.
  4. Select the object(s) you are looking for in the list of search results. The topmost object is automatically selected.
  5. Confirm with <RETURN> or click on "OK".
    The workspace is opened.
You can also quickly open individual hits in the search result by double-clicking in your workspace.

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