To create a file, click on the "File view" icon in the Explorer toolbar. The clipboard view opens (in place of the Explorer). If no clipboard has been created yet, "Clipboard 1" is displayed.
To create additional folders, click on the "Create new folder" icon. The folders are created in the lower area. They are numbered consecutively and cannot be renamed.
To add objects to the clipboard, click on the "Add" icon. The object search opens.
Select the objects to be inserted in the search result of the object search and confirm your selection with "OK".
Hold down the <CTRL> key to select several objects.
The selected objects are displayed in the tray.
Another mouse click on the currently active icon of these three different views - Explorer, File and Alert view - takes you directly back to the previous view.
Example: Once you have switched from the Explorer to the File view, click on the "File view" icon again to switch back to the Explorer, etc.
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