To create an owner manually, select a folder - e.g. the "Depotmanagement" folder - in the Explorer and then select the NEW, OWNER command in the context menu. Or select a folder and then select the "Create new object" icon at the top of the Explorer and select the INHOLDER command in the expanded menu. The "Owner properties" dialog box appears, in which you can enter all known data for the owner.
Enter the name for the "Owner" in the first input field. You can use this name to access the owner later in the evaluations.
Complete or change the details in all other fields if necessary. The details for these fields can be found in the table in the following section Owner properties.
Select "OK" to confirm your entries. Or select "Cancel" to discard the entries and close the window.
After creating a holder, you will be asked whether you would also like to automatically create a portfolio, an account and a custody account for this holder. If so, the portfolio with account and custody account is created below the holder. You can then enter all the relevant master data in the properties of the securities account objects. You can also make the exact portfolio configuration afterwards.
If you have configured plausibility checks for the correct entry of the owner properties, it is essential that you observe the corresponding notes and warnings in the dialog boxes. The messages appear at the bottom of the dialog box (above the "OK" button). Click on the message texts to find out more details.
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