Changes in the update process
In certain constellations there is one more step to take during the update process. By default the installation directory is “C:\Program Files\vwd\vwd portfolio manager\6“, but if directory had been changed you have to choose this individual path in the update wizard.
Step 1: Preparation
In order to successfully update PM to version 6.61 you must first know what your installation directory for previous version of PM is. In the installation directory you find the "bin" folder with all the program files, for example the file vwdpm.exe.
First locate PM shortcut on your desktop, then right click on it and select “Properties”.

Your installation directory is the one where the “bin” folder is located, here C:\infront\pm.
Step 2: Update
Start the update process as usual, difference being user will be asked to go through install process once the update starts. The only thing that needs to be manually changed is the install directory.
If Your install directory is not the default one, when prompted click on Browse button.

Either copy the path or select folder from the tree, then click OK.

After this step continue with the installation as normal.