Cash flow forecast
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
The cash flow forecast shows the almost certain future cash flows from bond positions and fixed-term deposits. Bonds generally have a fixed maturity date and fixed dates on which interest is paid at a fixed rate. At maturity, the bond is repaid at a price of 100%. The future cash flows in the form of interest and final maturity can therefore be forecast well.
The Infront Portfolio Manager lists the forecast cash flows in evaluation currency for each year in the period under review in the forecast. A subtotal per year and the total amount of cash flows are also available.
You can find the cash flow forecast in the workspace of holders, portfolios or custody accounts on the "Forecast", "Cash flow" worksheet.
The cash flow forecast opens as a table. To switch to the bar chart, select the "Cash flow chart" tab at the bottom of the window in the work area.
The details of the most important columns of the evaluation can be found in the following table:
Column | Description |
Date | Date on which the cash flow is expected to flow into the account. |
Type | Type of cash flow, e.g. interest or final maturity of the bond. |
Cash flow | Forecasted cash flow in the currency of the respective security. |
Cash flow | Forecasted cash flow in evaluation currency. |
Net cash flow | Cash flow taking into account the "tax deduction" parameter. Read the chapter Parameters of the cash flow forecast. |
For index-linked bonds, the latest known value is used for future periods. No distribution is shown for non-performing bonds from the date on which the bond is deemed to be non-performing. The final maturity is displayed with a value of 0.
There is also a corresponding reporton the cash flow forecast.