Calculation of the distribution of funds
There are three funds in one custody account: Fund A, Fund B, and Fund C. Fund A with a value share of 30%, B with 25% and C with 20% (the remaining 25% is liquidity).
Now you want to know how invested you are in a particular country. Conventional portfolio evaluations cannot do this because they only know the funds as a whole and not the individual securities positions of the fund. With the "Fonds Plus" subscription, you receive this information on the breakdown of the funds (see pie charts in the fund portrait).
Let us assume that Fund A invests 50% in Germany, Fund B 70% and Fund C 90%. Together with the above-mentioned shares of the funds in the portfolio value, this means that with the three funds we are invested a total of 30P%+ 25%*70% + 20%*90% = *50.5% in Germany.
Fund | Share of securities account value | Country share Germany |
Fund A | 30% | 50% |
Fund B | 25% | 70% |
Fund C | 20% | 90% |
Liquidity | 25% |
Corresponding calculations can be made for the sector or top holdings allocation.
The extended fund data of the "Fonds Plus" subscription is a prerequisite for a meaningful evaluation in the tables.