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Calculate factors

A distinction is made between the calculation types "Theoretical price", "Actual price", "Split" and "Dividend". They are applied according to our factor types as follows:

Factor type

Additional input field


Dividend factor:= (price-dividend)/price


Split factor:= Split1/(Split1+Split2)

Change in capital

  • a) Theoretical price, if the additional fields "Reference ratio" and "Reference price" are filled in:
    Factor:= (Split1/(Split1+Split2)+Split2)/((Split1+Split2) *(Reference price/price))
  • b) Actual price, if no calculation can be made according to a) due to missing entry, but the "Subscription right" field has been filled in:
    Factor:= price/(price + subscription right)

Factor (number)

No calculation

Dividend factor

No calculation

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