Bugfixes in Service Pack 6.63
The following issues were fixed in Service Pack 6.63:
ID | Type | Area | Description |
PM-4407 | B | Data update | The Infront Portfolio Manager does not send control messages by e-mail to the e-mail addresses stored in the data update configuration. |
PM-4465 | B | Installation | In some installations, problems occur with outdated components of Microsoft Visual C++. |
PM-4549 | B | PM Facade | Calling up a layout via PM Facade is sometimes interrupted due to an inadequate backend configuration. |
PM-4621 | B | PSI Order Entry | [PSI Order Entry V-Bank] Problems occur when trying to enter orders for this PSI Order Entry together with orders for other interfaces. |
PM-4649 | B | PSI Order Entry | Problems sometimes occur with requests of the type "BrokerDetailsRequest" via the Order Entry Service. |
PM-4676 | B | PSI Order Entry | [PSI Order Entry V-Bank] The automatic adoption of a changed trading centre for all other orders via the corresponding command in the context menu of the column does not work. |
PM-4678 | B | PSI Order Entry | The recalculation of the quantity of a block order after a change is sometimes incorrect. |
PM-4698 | B | PSI Order Entry | [PSI Order Merkur Privatbank] and others The following problem can occur when placing orders: If an order is rejected with the status "Rejected" and the client then manually sets the status to "Released" in the order session to place the orders again, e.g. because he has corrected the rejection reasons, the Infront Portfolio Manager sends the same ClientOrderID to the service again. This is incorrect because once an order has been rejected, it cannot be placed again with the same ID. |
PM-4672 | B | Portfolio Manager Server | In the server configuration tool, the problematic type "PSI Converter Data" appears in the list of backend servers. |
PM-4752 | B | Internationalisation | The English version of the Infront Portfolio Manager partially shows German texts in the"Order Entry Service Settings" dialogue. |