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Block order view

"PSI Order Entry" module or "Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

The block order view is available in the order book for block orders. To do this, select the "Block order view" icon. The block orders are then displayed in a separate block order list above the "normal" order list:

The block order view contains the following columns:



The order status as described in the section Order status in the order book.

This column uses the symbols to show the execution status of the block order:

  • Executed
  • Partially executed
  • Not executed
  • n/a
Use the filter functions in the column header to filter extensive block order lists according to the execution status.

This column uses the symbols to show the billing status of the block order:

  • Settled
  • Partially settled
  • Not settled
  • n/a

Use the filter functions in the column header to filter extensive block order lists by billing status.


The name, the security identification number and the ISIN of the security.

Asset class

The asset class of the security from the user-defined fields.

Block order no.

The number of the block order.

The unique block order numbers are generated automatically for block orders sent in the Order Entry Service. Based on the database ID of the block order, the block order number contains the following elements:

  • "12" as a fixed prefix
  • "0" for purchase or "1" for sale
  • "5" as a fixed component
  • Date (6 digits in format: JJMMTT)
  • 5-digit number (from the ID of the block order in the database)




Storage location

The storage location of the position.


The order type (buy or sell).

Nominal value

The total number of block orders.


Name and time of the order sessions from the portfolio rebalancing.


The comment on the block order.

PSI Order Entry

The PSI Order Entry through which the order is or was placed.


The creation date of the block order.

Last modified

The last modification date of the block order.


The name of the user who created the block order.

If you select a block order in the block order view, you will see all the individual orders summarized in it in the order list below.

Block orders are only available in conjunction with saved order sessions from portfolio rebalancing. If necessary, read the section Order meetings.
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