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Define labeling scheme

Module "Advanced Technical Analysis"

The aim of a trading system is precisely the optimization of variables. It therefore makes sense to display the values found in the chart. To do this, you must include the variables that are to be displayed in the designation scheme.

  1. To do this, use the PROPERTIES command in the context menu of the trading system to call up the editor with the trading system properties.
  2. Enter the desired designation in the "Designation scheme" field, e.g.
    MOM$MomPeriod$/$MomGDPeriod$ & GD$GDPeriod$
    You can use the variables in the scheme by enclosing the corresponding term between two $ characters.
  3. Confirm your entries with the "Save" icon.

Only one $ character is required in formulas, in the designation scheme there must be a $ character before and after the variable.

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