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Example of a price data export

To export a price data export configuration as a file that outputs the WKN, date and spot prices of all DAX stocks for two trading days, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Select the "Price data export" icon on the "Reporting" tab.
    The "Price data export" dialog box opens.
  2. Drag the "DAX" filter from the Explorer into the "Securities/Folder" field.
  3. Enter the file name under "Output of generated files", e.g. "daxwerte.txt".
  4. In the "Text fields" area, select the "Create new text field" icon.
  5. Then select the "Time series" type in the "Type" field.
  6. Enter a date under "Time series from" and "Time series to".
  7. Select the "Create new column (time series field)" icon (top right in the "Columns" area).
  8. Select the input fields in the "Column type" field.
    In this example, first select the "Text" column type with the special character "Newline".
  9. Click on the "Create new column (time series field)" icon again and select "Rates" as the column type and "Cash" as the rate type, for example.
  10. There must be a separator between each field. Therefore, select a text field with a semicolon again.
  11. Finally, define the output fields "Date" (column type "Date") and "WKN" (column type "Master date").
  12. Enter a new name under "Course data export configuration" and then select the "Save course data export configuration" icon.
  13. Click on the "Export" button to start outputting the data to the file entered above.

    Make sure that there is a semicolon (or similar) between each field and then \n for a new line.

    You can now open the exported file daxwerte.txt in a text editor and process it further if necessary.

    Once you have familiarized yourself with the principle of exporting price data, you will soon be able to design the format of the output as you wish.

    If you have activated the "Copy to clipboard" checkbox in the "Export course data" dialog box, the data is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted directly from there into another application.
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