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Batch type "Reports"

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module

If you have selected "Reports" as the batch type, you can only select reports in the "Templates" area.

Configure your export via the "Export options..." button. This appears as soon as you have selected "Reports" as the batch type. The dialog window corresponds to the standard "Settings" dialog window for the export options with the difference that the path and file names cannot be changed here.

The settings for encrypting ZIP archives can also only be made via the general settings, which you can open via the "General settings" icon on the "Configuration" tab in the ribbon.

If you have licensed an external postbox and have also activated the uploading of documents to this postbox for the persons concerned, the "Set up message..." button will appear in the worksheet for the "Reports" batch type (or "Edit message..." for messages that have already been set up), which you can use to configure a message for export.

If necessary, read the section External mailboxes in the Postbox help.

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