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Basic information on the Portfolio Manager Server

The Portfolio Manager Server is a component of the "Infront Portfolio Manager" environment, which is available for the first time from version 5. The server allows various time-consuming tasks to be processed centrally. This reduces the load on the clients and the calculations are completed much faster.

The following functionalities are available to you, for example:

  • Alerting
  • Document archive
  • Batch export
    • Batch export for tables
    • Batch export for reports
  • Scheduled Reporting
  • Loss threshold reporting
  • Tasks for the Portfolio Sync Interface

In order to use the corresponding functionalities, the modules of the same name must be activated. The "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module also includes the "Batch Export for Reports" and "Loss Threshold Reporting" functions.

If you install the "Server" component, the Windows service "Infront Portfolio Manager 6 WatchDog" is also installed. It ensures that the server processes run. Please read the section Windows service.

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