Effects on tax evaluations
These regulations have a significant impact on tax-relevant evaluations, particularly during the transition period:
Grandfathering with all special regulations
- Financial innovations
- no grandfathering
- Certificates that are not financial innovations
- unlimited inventory protection only until purchase including 14.3.2007
- from purchase 15.3.2007 limited protection until 30.6.2009
- from purchase 1.1.2009 directly without grandfathering
- Special funds
- Protection only until purchase including 9.11.2007
- from purchase 10.11.2007 no grandfathering
Other important changes
- Delimitation of validity HEV / no HEV.
- Deferral of gains on shares and other capital gains.
- Gains and losses from financial innovations can be offset against the old loss from section 23 in the same way as gains and losses from other securities.
- Since January 1, 2009, it is no longer possible to deduct income-related expenses.
- Since January 1, 2009, option writer premiums no longer constitute a separate tax category.
- Devisentermingeschäfte sind ab 1.1.2009 abgeltungsteuerpflichtig.
- Profits and losses on non-euro securities must be converted directly into euros on the respective order date.
- Transactions on accounts and custody accounts marked as "Exclude from tax consideration" must be filtered out for the tax-relevant evaluations.