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Preparation of course time series

Depending on the intended use, the courses supplied can be prepared in different ways:

Offsetting of price factors

Activated by default.

Adjustment factors always play a role where the comparability of prices is to be ensured. If this option is deactivated, meaningful comparisons may be impossible.

If, for example, new shares come onto the market during a split, the price of the individual security is reduced by a certain factor at the same time. Although this is offset for the investor by the issue of new shares, the new prices are no longer directly comparable with the old prices and a jump appears in the price trend. By multiplying with the corresponding adjustment factors, which are normally supplied by the Market Data Pool, the old prices can be converted in such a way that the jumps are balanced out again and the price trend can be interpreted again.

Offsetting of dividends

Disabled by default.

Dividend payments are not normally included in the chart analysis of a security. However, offsetting can be useful for funds, for example, where a statement on performance is only possible if dividends or distributions are included.


Courses can be consolidated in various ways, i.e. summarized according to specific time periods. The available consolidation intervals are Days, weeks, months and n-days. The consolidation type determines which courses are combined; available: Open, High, Low, Close, Average, Sum and Count.

The choice of consolidation interval plays an important role in charts, for example (e.g. to calculate the cash flow for a candlestick chart on a weekly basis) or when calculating turnover (in the case of a consolidation over n days, the turnover of the last n days is totaled).

Currency, factors, dividend calculation and the consolidation interval are the same for all time series; however, the price type (price, spot, volume...) and consolidation type (close, open, high...) may vary.

Conversion into foreign currency

Exchange rates in foreign currencies (e.g. spot rates) can be converted into foreign currencies.

In some cases, it may be necessary to express a non-currency value (e.g. the volume) in a currency. Then you would first have to multiply the non-currency value by a currency value, e.g. the typical price. The approximate value obtained in this way can then be converted into a foreign currency. You can also display the (price) volume in any foreign currency.

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