After entering the most important parameters of the bond, the bond calculator provides you with key figures such as yield, duration, residual term and convexity and shows how the price or yield of the bond will change if the framework conditions change (such as the market interest rate level).
Proceed as follows to open the bond calculator:
Select the "Bond calculator" icon on the "Tools" tab.
Or select the "Bond calculator" icon on your quick access bar. In the chapter Quick access toolbar you will learn how to configure the quick access toolbar and thus have quick access to exactly the functions you need time and again. The bond calculator opens. Enter the bond to be analyzed in the "Name" input field or search for it via the "Search" icon using the object search.
Alternatively, you can first select the bond and then open the bond calculator in the workspace for this bond. Proceed as follows:
First open the workspace for the bond using the search field and the object search or by double-clicking on the bond in the Explorer. The workspace for the bond is opened.
Switch to the "Bonds" worksheet.
Select the "Calculator" worksheet below. The bond calculator opens and the master data fields for the bond are already filled in.
After clicking on the "Calculate" button, the key figures of the bond (such as yield, duration or convexity) are displayed in the lower part of the window. By changing the framework conditions, such as the market interest rate level, the calculator shows how the price or yield of the bond changes. By changing the price using the arrow keys, you can use the bond calculator to check how price changes affect the yield and vice versa. The individual input parameters are described in the following section Input parameters in the bond calculator .
To replace the bond displayed in the open bond calculator with another bond while retaining the current settings, simply click on the bond to be displayed in the Explorer with the middle mouse button. The bond is immediately replaced in the bond calculator. Or you can select the "Search" icon and go to the object search to select another bond for calculation.
Press <CTRL>+<P> or the "Print" icon to print out the current bond calculator display.