Investment proposal assistant
Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module
Once user-defined fields, investment agents and modules have been created, the investment proposal wizard can be used as a simple tool.
This wizard is used to create an investment proposal in the form of a new (private) holder with an initial portfolio corresponding to the proposal. It essentially requires an investment amount as input.
Proceed as follows to create an investment proposal using the investment proposal wizard:
- Start the investment proposal wizard via the "Investment proposal wizard" icon on the "Ordering" tab.
- Enter a name for a new holder on the first page of the wizard and select the evaluation currency from the list of currencies.
- Select the desired investment agent from the "Investment agent" selection list.
- Then click the "Next" button to switch to the next page of the wizard, where you can specify further data (account currency, investment amount and underlying commission scheme) for the account and custody account of the holder to be created.
- If you then select the "Create owner" button, the next page of the wizard appears. The list of user-defined fields, which you can use to configure your investment proposal, also appears immediately.
- Confirm the entries in the user-defined fields with "OK".
- You can reopen the user-defined fields via the "Configure investment proposal..." button.
- Finally, select the "Create proposal" button.
The investment proposal wizard uses this information to create a new (private) holder and a portfolio with account and custody account with the selected name in the "Custody account management" folder. The selected investment agent is assigned in the portfolio properties.
The portfolio workspace is opened immediately.