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Analysis & Risk Reports" module

In addition to Internet access, activation of the "Analysis & Risk Reports" module from theScreener is required. Adobe Reader must also be installed, which is supplied on the Infront Portfolio Manager program DVD (but is not installed automatically).

  1. Establish the connection to the Internet.
  2. Double-click on a security (company, share) in the Explorer to open its workspace.
  3. Switch to the "Company" worksheet and then to the "Analysis & Risk Report" tab.

The browser opens and the company's analyses are displayed in PDF format.




Fundamental criteria

Price valuations and profit estimates from financial analyses.

Technical analyses

The technical trend and the relative performance of a security to its index.

Risk measurements

The risk profile of a share is calculated on the basis of statistical analyses of historical data. The sensitivity of the security to index declines and its behavior in the event of company-specific problems are shown graphically.

  • To display the Analysis & Risk Report for another company, drag the relevant security into the browser.
  • You can also open the report from many table evaluations via the context menu of the securities.
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