Analysis & Risk Reports" module
In addition to Internet access, activation of the "Analysis & Risk Reports" module from theScreener is required. Adobe Reader must also be installed, which is supplied on the Infront Portfolio Manager program DVD (but is not installed automatically).
- Establish the connection to the Internet.
- Double-click on a security (company, share) in the Explorer to open its workspace.
- Switch to the "Company" worksheet and then to the "Analysis & Risk Report" tab.
The browser opens and the company's analyses are displayed in PDF format.
Field | Description |
Fundamental criteria | Price valuations and profit estimates from financial analyses. |
Technical analyses | The technical trend and the relative performance of a security to its index. |
Risk measurements | The risk profile of a share is calculated on the basis of statistical analyses of historical data. The sensitivity of the security to index declines and its behavior in the event of company-specific problems are shown graphically. |
- To display the Analysis & Risk Report for another company, drag the relevant security into the browser.
- You can also open the report from many table evaluations via the context menu of the securities.